Your Batchnumber:

Your Batchnumber:
If anyone else here says that cumin tastes like caraway, we'll be pissed! Unfortunately, the name is a little misleading in German, but we'd like to say it again: cumin is NOT caraway, instead it is so much more! Cumin has conquered the world: from Asia to the Orient to the Texmex cuisine. You can use these seeds with everything that is hearty and can use earthy warm tones - from curries to falafel and from tacos to dahl.
Mersin, Turkey
Best Before
28 Feb 2027
Date Produced
09 Aug 2023
65 g
Food Matches
Cumin is an important element of Indian, North African, Levantine and Mexican cuisine. Great with root vegetables, beef, tomato salad, and avocado toast. Classic spice blends: Za'atar, BBQ Rubs, Tex-Mex.
Cuminaldehyd, Pinene, Cymol, Safranal
Mersin, Turkey
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3112 km
7.1 grams of CO2*
*How do we calculate the CO2 footprint?
Our CO2 footprint calculation is only based on the transport of the packaging and product. Please keep in mind that these values are an average approximation based on the EN16258 standard. For more information about emissions calculations, check carboncare.org
The Container

Our glass jars are manufactured in the north of Germany. They are made from a specific soda lime glass that is designed for the food and beeverage industry.
The Closure

Our corks originate from Portugal are are a mixed press cork, which means that offcuts and otherwise unusable cork is combined into a food-safe closure for our jars.
The Label

Our labels are made from cane sugar fiber (95%) and 5% hemp and linen. The matt labels are printed with organic ink.

The Farm & Farmer
Adıoğlu Baharat was founded in Kayseri in 1956 by Ahmet Turan Kadıoğlu, who took over the spice business as the 3rd generation in the Turkish spice industry. Spice production and sales activities in Kayseri have been continuing uninterruptedly since 1956. Kadıoğlu Baharat has contributed greatly to the development of the Anatolian Spice sector since its establishment in the Turkish spice sector.
After the first spice factory in Kayseri, in the second spice factory, Kadıoğlu Baharat A.Ş. was established in Mersin - Tarsus Organized Industrial Zone for Spice Export from Turkey. It became operational in 2003 under the name of Kadıoğlu Spices Inc.
Kadıoğlu Baharat A.Ş. →