Black Pepper
Your Batchnumber:

Black Pepper
Your Batchnumber:
Black pepper is an indispensable part of the kitchen. It is a definite classic and everyone knows its fragrant and intense taste. Our black pepper goes well with everything that can use a bit of a kick - from salads over roasts to pasta and many more ...
Thuan An City, Vietnam
Best Before
30 Sep 2026
80 g
Food Matches
Black pepper provides pungent spiciness. This spiciness is not a taste or aroma, as it activates the pain receptors. Pepper brings wonderful floral, fruity citrus notes. Goes well with many savory dishes: steak, pickles and seafood. Classic Mixtures: Quatre-épice, Edesia (Gipfelhirsch).
Piperin, Pinen, Limonen, Myrcen
Thuan An City, Vietnam
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13027 km
4.3 grams of CO2*
*How do we calculate the CO2 footprint?
Our CO2 footprint calculation is only based on the transport of the packaging and product. Please keep in mind that these values are an average approximation based on the EN16258 standard. For more information about emissions calculations, check carboncare.org
The Container

Our glass jars are manufactured in the north of Germany. They are made from a specific soda lime glass that is designed for the food and beeverage industry.
The Closure

Our corks originate from Portugal are are a mixed press cork, which means that offcuts and otherwise unusable cork is combined into a food-safe closure for our jars.
The Label

Our labels are made from cane sugar fiber (95%) and 5% hemp and linen. The matt labels are printed with organic ink.

The Farm & Farmer
Nedspice Processing Vietnam Ltd. is established in 1997. Responding to our clients request for more high-quality and microbiological clean pepper, Nedspice was the first company in Vietnam to build a new factory with an integrated sterilization facility. Over time the factory has been continuously expanded and updated. Thanks to the combination of cleaning, grading, sterilizing and grinding facilities, Nedspice Processing Vietnam Ltd. is now a leading ingredients processor of single spices.
Nedspice Processing Vietnam Ltd. →