smoked Paprika
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smoked Paprika
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Intensely red and smoky - this paprika is smoked over oak wood and dried at the same time, giving it its unmistakable taste. As a perfect accompaniment to potato dishes, such as fried potatoes, baked potatoes or just as a finisher on vegetables, smoked paprika brings the extra touch of smoky and warming flavour. This noble spice also goes well with meat and tofu and packs a load of flavor with it, because smoke aroma = umami 2.0.
La Vera, Spain
Best Before
31 Mar 2026
Date Packaged
12 Jan 2024
80 g
Food Matches
The various types of peppers are valued for their earthy and smoky aromas, spicy heat and sweet notes in their fructose. This is the smoked sweet variant, which brings a lot of fruity but also intense smokey aromas with it. With an ASTA of more than 120, this paprika spice is one of the best quality - The ASTA specification describes the proportion of stems (the higher the value, the less stem proportion; 160 is the maximum). The best way to unfold its taste is in oil (fried). Very common in many mixtures.
Pyrazine combinations, sugar and ethyl acetate, isovaleraldehyde and acetoin, citric acid
La Vera, Spain
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1435 km
5.3 grams of CO2*
*How do we calculate the CO2 footprint?
Our CO2 footprint calculation is only based on the transport of the packaging and product. Please keep in mind that these values are an average approximation based on the EN16258 standard. For more information about emissions calculations, check carboncare.org
The Container

Our glass jars are manufactured in the north of Germany. They are made from a specific soda lime glass that is designed for the food and beeverage industry.
The Closure

Our corks originate from Portugal are are a mixed press cork, which means that offcuts and otherwise unusable cork is combined into a food-safe closure for our jars.
The Label

Our labels are made from cane sugar fiber (95%) and 5% hemp and linen. The matt labels are printed with organic ink.

The Farm & Farmer
The name "La Chinata" comes from the name of the town (Malpartida de Plasencia) where the founder of the company, Florentino Oliva, was born. Currently "La Chinata" is a brand of recognized national and international prestige, exporting to more than 50 countries. Our Smoked Paprika is present in the best gourmet stores and in the kitchens of the great chefs.