Your Batchnumber:

Your Batchnumber:
Basil is a true all-rounder among herbs. Also known as king herb (at least in German 🤔), the seasoning is wonderfully intense and is the perfect alternative to fresh basil. An absolute must for any tomato mozarella salad and as a topper on pizzas, in other words, anything that has to taste like Italy.
Ibshaway, Egypt
Best Before
31 Dec 2026
Date Packaged
09 Apr 2024
20 g
Food Matches
Basil is most commonly used fresh in recipes. In general, it is added last, as cooking quickly destroys the flavor. In a dried form, Basil is a lot more forgiving and matches very well with other Italian herbs. It is a perfect addition to tomato sauces, works well in a bloody mary and can be used liberally in combination with mozarella
Linalool, Estragol, Cineol, Eugenol
Ibshaway, Egypt
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7951 km
3.2 grams of CO2*
*How do we calculate the CO2 footprint?
Our CO2 footprint calculation is only based on the transport of the packaging and product. Please keep in mind that these values are an average approximation based on the EN16258 standard. For more information about emissions calculations, check carboncare.org
The Container

Our glass jars are manufactured in the north of Germany. They are made from a specific soda lime glass that is designed for the food and beverage industry.
The Closure

Our corks originate from Portugal are are a mixed press cork, which means that offcuts and otherwise unusable cork is combined into a food-safe closure for our jars.
The Label

Our labels are made from cane sugar fiber (95%) and 5% hemp and linen. The matt labels are printed with organic ink.
The Farm & Farmer
Since 2001, Algawhara Herbs & Spices has been supplying customers around the world with top-notch, competitively priced agricultural products. Grown on our own farms in Egypt’s renowned Abu Ginshow Village, our products comply fully with ISO standards for food safety and quality.
Aljawhara Herbs & Spices →